The CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY IS NOT TRUMP COMPLAINING ABOUT BALLOTS AND VOTER REGISTRATION ISSUES, but 30-Years of Democrat NO-ID Voter Registration and recent Mail Ballot Fraud . . . Abused by some states to bloat their voter rolls with invalid non-citizen unqualified voters!

I have been working with 2022 Secretary of State candidate Audrey Trujillo. She was shocked when I pointed out that the 2018 Absent Voter Act resulted in Democrats getting TRIPLE the mail ballots that were for Republicans. Those ballots alone were enough to cost her the election.

Between the two of us, we searched all the laws and forms that allow Ballot Harvesters to target Democrat-voting illegal aliens. In addition, election laws such as the 1993 Voter Registration Act and the 2003 Help America Vote Act undermine verification of identity and citizenship to such a degree that one can confidently conclude that these laws are part of a Criminal Conspiracy to disenfranchise ‘qualified citizen voters.’

Here is an article proving the forms and voter registration shown in this blog post affect elections and disenfranchise ‘qualified citizen voters.’ Arizona found 5600 ballots that were from voters using the ‘federal forms’ states are forced to accept from unidentified persons of unknown origin, i.e., non-citizens. Arizona flipped to Biden by 11,500 votes! 13,400 mail ballots had duplicate envelope scans, meaning over 7000 votes were double voted. (The Maricopa County Election Board refused to let the Arizona Audit inspect the actual ballots, the subpoena blocked by one RINO Republican, Bowser.)

The photo above is Obama urging illegal aliens and DACA to vote, assuring them not to fear discovery due to the ‘secret ballot.’ That is criminal; and combined with thirty-years of No ID statutory mandates forced through congress by Democrats, a criminal conspiracy.

One might interpret Obama’s assurances and urgings meeting the element of criminal intent.

While few report it, Rep. Mo Brooks declared before congress while the riot raged outside on January 6th:

In 1993, Democrats rammed through Congress the National Voter Registration Act, making it illegal—illegal—to require proof of citizenship that prevents illegal aliens and noncitizens from registering to vote. Why did Democrats do that? Simple. To steal elections, of course.   Rep. Mo Brooks objecting to Arizona Electors on January 6, 2021 Congressional Record, Pg H89

In fact, this speech and others like it were the reason FBI-organized Antifa rioters attacked the Capitol at 12:53PM while Trump was still exhorting those going to the Capitol, 1.5 miles away, to use their voices to ‘peacefully and patriotically’ support these brave legislators. They arrived at the Capitol at 1:45-2:00 to find the Capitol barriers breached, the Columbus Doors opened at 2:39PM. See my blogpost, ‘Timeline of the Successful Jan6 Insurrection.’

Trump’s words and the presence of his supporters seem perfectly innocent, yet there is a Federal case against Donald Trump for inciting the January 6th riot.

How Current Election and Immigration Laws Corrupt the Voter Rolls

  1. Illegal Immigrants are issued Notices to Appear, i.e., ‘lawful residency,’ which qualifies them for Social Security Numbers and Driver’s Licenses.
  2. Nineteen states issue Driver’s Licenses to aliens without proof of date of birth, identity, or place of origin.
  3. DHS Director Mayorkas has delayed implementation of the 2005 REAL ID ACT twice which further blocks citizenship verification of drivers’ license applicants, which can be used for voter registration.
  4. MVD databases are accessible for targeted voter registration. (See 2021 story of Colorado Sec. of State Jena Griswold sending voter registration cards to 31,000 illegal aliens.)
  5. While state Internet voter registration and absentee ballot application sites require a Social Security Number, other sites provide paper application downloads that allow substituting a DL# for an SS#.
  6. Sites such as and follow the 2003 Help America Vote Act with ‘federal forms’ for voter registration. Applicants without ID can simply write ‘NONE’ in the Identification section.

In some situations, the illegal alien can merely write a note declaring their name, age, and ‘legal’ address, signing it, and that satisfies any ID requirement. States that have tried to enact Proof of Identity laws or require REAL ID for voter registration have been challenged by the federal government, forcing them to provide the so-called ‘federal form.’

Some may say, ‘Illegal aliens have been caught voting, but not enough to change election outcomes.’ Consider that when the U.S. Supreme Court deciding illegal aliens were to be counted in the census increased California’s federal election Electors, 4 to 10 of its 55 electors illegal aliens ‘voting’ for president! So, regardless of the California popular vote, its illegal aliens are potentially disenfranchising entire states with less than 10 Electoral Votes.

Does a Social Security Number on a Voter Registration provide Proof of Citizenship? Nope. Think of all those tens of thousands of ‘Notices to Appear’ (Form I-862) Mayorkas has Border Patrol issuing to illegal aliens. See the third bullet point below:

What if I need an SSN for reasons
other than work?
You may not be authorized by DHS to work in the United
States. If so, you can get an SSN only if you can prove you
need it for a valid nonwork reason.
Government benefits or services: If you do not have
permission to work, you may apply for an SSN only if one of
the following applies:

  • A federal law requires you to provide your SSN to get a
    particular benefit or service.
  • A state or local law requires you to provide your SSN to
    get general assistance benefits for which you already have
    Applicants for a nonwork SSN are required to provide proof of
    identity and age documents. Examples of the documents are
    listed below:
  • Proofs of identity and age
    — Form I-94 (Arrival-Departure Record).
    — Form I-862 (Notice to Appear).
    — Form I-385 (Alien Booking Record).
    — Office on Trafficking in Persons (OTIP) Certification
    — Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) Certification
Asylum Advocacy Group Explanation of the I-862 Notice to Appear

If you consider the potential Democrat voting illegal aliens are for ACORN-like NGO’s (legalized in 2018) and corrupt Secretaries of State registering them to vote, just four states had enormous potential to have flipped the 2020 election. Trump lost by 37 electoral votes, and these four states with 42 electors have illegal alien populations many times the margin Biden won by.

This is a brief summary. My blog at has links to and images of forms voter registration and absentee ballot applications.

The Los Alamos newspaper posted this chart, showing how Democrats won (stole) 2020 with mail ballots ‘legalized’ by the 2018 Absent Voter Act. In an 11-point race, Democrats had 3X the mail ballots Republicans received. The number of mail ballots doubled from previous elections, to 40% of the vote, all that increase for Democrats. (See the bottom line numbers.)


NO ID Voter Registration creates corrupt voter rolls which, regardless of Judicial Watch ‘wins’ in the courts, are nearly impossible to audit; and invalid voter registrations are still nearly impossible to remove.

In addition, just because election registration laws are statutory doesn’t make them ‘legal.’ If they are intended to violate constitutional protections of ‘qualified citizen voters’ in order to ‘steal elections,’ they are not only unlawful unconstitutional disenfranchisement, but part of a Criminal Conspiracy–with Obama in that Hispanic interview declaring his intent to encourage illegal aliens to vote!

A Pennsylvania court recently declared that the No Excuse Absentee Ballots are unconstitutional. Because they are of a lower standard to in-person voting, they are vulnerable to mishandling and fraud. Every state must be ordered to follow suit. Also, knowing the Election Night results gives mail ballot election workers a target for the win, by cheating. They can have mail ballots ‘sandbagged’ in another room or under tables (like what happened in Fulton County), or ‘adjudicate’ rejected ballots and change the ‘intent’ of the voter.

In 2020, it was reported that the workers at the adjudication tables intentionally blocked legally required observers from viewing them setting ‘rejected’ or ‘spoiled’ ballots aside, and the workers essentially voting a new ballot. Last I heard, voting someone else’s absentee ballot is a felony. See NMSA 1978 Ch 1 Art 20 § 1-20-8, and § 1-20-8.1(E)

One response to “The CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY IS NOT TRUMP COMPLAINING ABOUT BALLOTS AND VOTER REGISTRATION ISSUES, but 30-Years of Democrat NO-ID Voter Registration and recent Mail Ballot Fraud . . . Abused by some states to bloat their voter rolls with invalid non-citizen unqualified voters!”

  1. The 2020 election was a “hostile takeover” of this country and we know how it was done. Every day old news is seeing sunshine needed to fix this fraud that is destroying this country. We really need to see prosecutions of the guilty that worked and engineered this fraud on the voters of the USA

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